Cleaning Tires

Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated February 17, 2012)

If you are washing your car, or even doing a complete detail job, there is one particular area that you don't want to forget. That area of the vehicle is tires. Surprisingly many people completely forget about cleaning their tires when they are cleaning the rest of their car, and then wonder why the vehicle doesn't look as clan as they would like. Cleaning tires doesn't take all that much time, and can have a huge impact on the overall look of your vehicle. All you really need to do is follow these simple steps.

  1. Focus on one tire at a time. When working on cleaning your tires be sure that you only focus on one tire at a time. The reason for this is that cleaning a tire, while it doesn't take too long, can take long enough for any cleaner you apply on another tire to dry completely before you get to it. While this won't ruin the tire, it does make your task more difficult than it needs to be.
  2. Wash your tires. Clean your tires prior to washing any other part of your vehicle. By cleaning your tires first, you will be able to prevent any of the other dirt or grime from the tires getting onto rest of the clean car. Be sure that you clean your tires using a separate cleaning bucket than the rest of the vehicle. This will help prevent any damage or scratches to the car from any debris that could have fallen into the bucket.
  3. Apply specialized cleaner. Get a specialized cleaner from your local auto parts store or car wash, but be careful that you choose the right kind of cleaner. It is generally a good idea to use a specialized cleaner, since if you inadvertently use the wrong kind of cleaner you can accidentally cause damage to the wheel rims of your vehicle. Follow the instructions that come with the cleaner as you apply it, to be sure that you are using it the correct way.
  4. Rinse and wash again. Wash the tires once again to ensure that you get the cleaner off properly. You don't want to leave any cleaner on the tires to form a sticky residue which will collect any and all dirt that you drive over. Be careful as you do this so that you do not inadvertently cause any of the cleaner to splash over onto the rest of the car. If necessary, you may need to wash the rest of the car once again to help ensure that you don't have of the cleaner on it.
  5. Allow the tires to dry. Completely dry your tires before you do any driving. Typically, the best way to do this is by using a towel to do the job. This will help prevent any water spots and brake dust from sticking on the wheels when you are finished.

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Lee Wyatt

Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. ...


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