Wheels and Tires
Without wheels and tires you wouldn't get very far in your car. There are dozens of options to choose from when buying tires and the process can become overwhelming if you aren't sure what you need.
This section includes tips to help you decide which tires to buy for winter driving and how to install snow chains. You'll also find information on how to check the air pressure in your tires and how to change a tire on the side of the road.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Wheels and Tires' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Adjusting Wheel Alignment
Whenever you get your tires rotated or replaced you should always check to make sure that the alignment is on track. While you can always spend up to $100 to have someone do the work for you, you have another option as well. Adjusting wheel alignment yourself is a task that you can do yourself if you are willing to get your hands dirty.
Changing a Flat Tire
If there is one type of car repair that every car owner needs to know how to accomplish, then it has to be changing a flat tire. While it can be some dirty work (be warned, your hands will get dirty) it's a simple repair project that practically anyone can do.
Checking Your Tire Pressure
Next to filling the gas tank, there is no simpler car maintenance procedure than checking your tire pressure. Unfortunately, this is one of those maintenance procedures that most people will overlook until an obvious problem appears. Be sure that you are taking care of your vehicle properly by following these simple instructions.
Choosing Winter Tires
Choosing winter tires is not as simple as just going down to you local tire store and buying the ones that look good. There are a few things a person needs to keep in mind before making their final decision. Here is how you can do that.
Cleaning Tires
If you are really interested in getting your car looking the best that it possibly can, there is one area that you cannot overlook...the tires. Cleaning tires is a surprisingly simple and effective method for making your car look like new.
Getting Tires Balanced
Getting tires balanced is something that should be done on every car, truck, or other kind of vehicle on the road. But what does getting tires balanced mean? Find out what this means by looking here.
Getting Your Car Unstuck from Snow or Mud
Have you ever had the miserable experience of being stuck in snow or mud? If so, there are a few things you can do to help get out faster and without a tow truck.
Installing Snow Chains Correctly
When driving in the winter, snow chains are a wonderful way to help keep you on the road. Installing them correctly can be a little confusing if you have never done it before. Here is how you can install snow chains correctly and help ensure that you are less likely to skid off the road.
Raising Your Car on a Jack
If you get a flat tire out on the road, you need to get it changed. And that means getting out and using your trusty car jack. When using a car jack, there are a few ideas you can apply that will make the experience go better and improve safety.
Rotating Your Car Tires
Rotating your car tires is one of the many maintenance items that you can either pay good money for someone else to do, or that you can do yourself. Save your hard earned money, and learn how to do the work yourself. It's not all that difficult.
Understanding Tire Codes
Have you ever looked at the side of a tire, and noticed a weird looking alphanumeric code? That code can tell you a lot about the tire you are looking at, and whether or not it is right for you. The trick lies in understanding tire codes.
When is it Time to Replace Your Tires?
Anyone who has ever owned a vehicle has asked themselves 'When is it time to replace my tires?' While you may think that that the answer is self explanatory, there are all too many vehicles that have old or worn tires on, when they should be replaced. Here are a few guidelines that you can use to ensure that you have the proper tires on your car.