If you own a car, you will, at some point, be faced with car repairs. The cost involved depends on several factors including what needs to be fixed and whether you have someone else handle the repair or you choose to do it yourself.
The do-it-yourselfer can save money on repair bills. However, depending on the job, the time involved may be more than you have. Before making the decision about how to fix your car, it is helpful to be able to do some basic troubleshooting yourself. If you know what you are dealing with, you can make a better decision about how and where to take care of the problem.
The tips in this section are a good place to start when you need to find an honest repair shop and what to do if you need to change a tire while on the road or if your horn suddenly won't stop blowing.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Repairs' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Does My Car Use Shocks or Struts?
Chances are you can go into just about any mechanics garage across the country, and you will hear the question "Does my car use shocks or struts?" Well, if you would like to know, and also learn a little bit more about these two important items, keep reading.
Finding a Good Mechanic
For any vehicle owner being able to have a good mechanic on speed dial is a virtual necessity. However, the trick lies in finding a good mechanic. It's not all that difficult of a trick if you keep to a few simple steps.
Finding an Honest Repair Shop
Finding an honest repair shop is a lot like finding the best slice of pizza. There are some things anyone can do to find the trustworthy repair shop where you can take your car or truck for the best service.
How to Replace Struts
Next to a shock absorber, one of the more common parts that need to be replaced on your vehicle is the struts. While you can always take the vehicle to a mechanic to do the work, you can also do the work yourself. Just follow these directions, and you should have no problem.
Problems Starting Your Car
You hop in the car, turn the key, and the car doesn't start. What do you do now?
Raising Your Car on a Jack
If you get a flat tire out on the road, you need to get it changed. And that means getting out and using your trusty car jack. When using a car jack, there are a few ideas you can apply that will make the experience go better and improve safety.
Replacing a Cracked Windshield
While you can repair most windshield cracks, why not take the opportunity to replace it with something a little better? Replacing a cracked windshield is a task that you can do yourself, as long as you follow these directions, and have the correct items.
Signs of a Bad Alternator
One of the most important, though overlooked, parts of a vehicle is the alternator. The reason for the importance is really quite simple, the alternator recharges the battery, and helps provide the electricity needed to run your vehicle. Learning to recognize the signs of a bad alternator can go a long way to helping prevent problems from cropping up.
What are Lemon Laws?
What are lemon laws? Are they really even all that important? After all, since every state in the Union has them, or at least some version of them, you really don't need to worry about them do you? In reality, you should at least have a basic working knowledge of these laws before you go out and purchase a new or used vehicle.
What is a Timing Belt
There are several different kinds of belts that can be found in the average vehicle engine, and all of them have an important role to play. One of the more important belts you need to pay attention to is the timing belt. But what is a timing belt? Keep reading to find out.
Your Car Horn won't Stop Blowing
Honking a car's horn seems to be a favorite pastime with some people. But what do you do if your horn starts blowing and won't turn off? Here are some quick ideas to silence the beast.
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