Body Repairs
It's inevitable. The sparkling new car you purchased will get a few scratches and dings. There are also fender-benders that will require more than just a small touch-up. While preventing scratches and accidents isn't always feasible, it is possible to protect your car's finish ahead of time and to repair the damage when it happens.
Some car repairs can be done at home while others require the services of a body shop. For the do-it-yourselfer, there are a variety of tips in this section of that will help you make the most of your car, and save some money at the same time.
Tips for removing bumper stickers, fixing small dents and scratches, and removing rust spots are all things you can do yourself.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Body Repairs' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Caring for your Car's Finish
Caring for your car's finish can actually improve the overall life of the vehicle, while saving you some money at the pump. A properly washed and waxed car can increase your mileage by as much as seven percent! Here's what you should do to properly care for your car's finish.
Fixing Rust Spots
Fixing rust spots is more than just a simple cosmetic repair. When you properly fix rust spots on any older vehicle, you are greatly improving its longevity. It is an easy repair that anyone can do, here's how.
Fixing Small Dents
If you have a small dent, or even a lot of dents, on your car then you know how unsightly and unattractive they are. Instead of taking the car to an auto body shop, why not save the money and do it yourself? Here's how you can fix small dents yourself.
Fixing Small Paint Dings
There are virtually an unlimited number of options for fixing small paint dings. All it takes is a little creativity, some patience, and a willingness to do a little work. Fixing those small paint dings is not a difficult process. Why pay someone else to do it?
Flying Car Hoods
Quick! You are driving down the road when the hood of your car just flew open and smacked your windshield. What do you do?
Painting Your Car
If you have checked into the prices of having your car repainted, you know how expensive it can be. Instead of paying someone else to do it for you, why not do it yourself. Here's how.
Removing Decals and Bumper Stickers from Fiberglass
You used to like that decoration, but now you don't. If you want to remove it without damaging any fiberglass—here's how.