Calling a tow truck doesn't need to be a disheartening thing. If your car is not operable, a tow truck is a good option to transport your vehicle to a place it can be repaired safely.
However, if you don't want to spend the money to have your car towed by a professional, with the right equipment, you can tow a car yourself. In this section you'll find tips on what you need to do the job right and how to make sure your car arrives at its destination intact.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Towing' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Safely Towing a Car
Who hasn't had their car break down at some point in time? Sure you can always hire a tow truck to come and help you out, but why not save the $100 or so, and do the job yourself? Safely towing a car isn't all that difficult as long as you follow a few basic precautions.
Securing a Trailer to Your Vehicle
Trailers are a great tool if you need to move things around. However, if they aren't secured properly you can find yourself with all kinds of problems. Good thing that securing a trailer to your vehicle isn't all that difficult, all you need to do is follow the proper steps.
Towing Your Car
Regardless of the reason you have for towing your car, it should always be done safely. The thing is, there are times when you will need to tow your car in different ways. Make sure you know what your options are before you choose the wrong method for your situation.
Understanding Towing Capacity
Many people purchase a truck with the expressed interest of being able to tow things around. However, in order to do this properly you will need to understand towing capacity. After all, if you make an error in judgment you can very easily end up seriously damaging your vehicle.