If you spend any amount of time in your car, you know how quickly the dirt and grime can build up. You also know and appreciate the clean car feeling. You have a couple of options to bring your dirty, messy car back to its "new car" look and feel.
Cleaning a car is more than using a little soap and water to wash off the exterior. To get the complete clean car feel, you will want to go after every surface in the car. This includes everything from upholstery cleaning, car seat cleaning, cleaning the cup holders, washing the seats, windows, and carpets. Fortunately, you will find the information you need to do this yourself in these tips. There is even a tip on how to avoid paying for detailing services and do it yourself.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Cleaning' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Cleaning Auto Carpets
Are tired of paying someone else to clean your vehicle's carpets? If so, then use this method and you are going to have a nice, clean car or truck.
Cleaning Auto Upholstery
Have you ever noticed just how easy it is for the interior of a car to get dirty? Often it seems like you have just finished cleaning it, only to find that it is dirty once again. Luckily, cleaning auto upholstery is a fairly easy task.
Cleaning Car Upholstery
Have you ever noticed how it really doesn't matter what type of vehicle you drive, or how much care you take, you will end up needing to do some interior cleaning eventually? Cleaning car upholstery doesn't need to be an over the top project, particularly if you keep a few simple guidelines in mind.
Cleaning Car Vinyl
Vinyl is the most common material used in the interior of today's automobiles. Here is how you can clean it yourself, and save some money in the process.
Cleaning Cup Holders
Cleaning a vehicle's cup holder is something that can be a little daunting. It can be difficult to get all of the accumulated nastiness out of there, but it is possible. Here is how you can do it yourself, and avoid paying the exorbitant fees that a professional detailer may charge you.
Cleaning Inside Windows
Cleaning the inside of your car's or truck's windows is just like cleaning your windows at home, and takes about as long. Stop paying someone else to clean your windows when you can do it yourself. Here's how.
Cleaning Tires
If you are really interested in getting your car looking the best that it possibly can, there is one area that you cannot overlook...the tires. Cleaning tires is a surprisingly simple and effective method for making your car look like new.
Cleaning Your Car's Chrome
Want to make your chrome really shine? It's easy to do with a little elbow grease and the right materials.
Cleaning Your Engine
Engines get dirty. It's in their nature. The dirtier they get, the worse they run. Conversely, the cleaner your engine, the better it is going to run, which is a huge plus in today's world of outrageous gas prices. Here is how you can clean your engine yourself.
Getting Bugs off Your Windshield
As you know, bugs are soft and windshields are hard. That is until it is time to try and clean off the bug mess. The roles seem to get a little turned around. Here is how you can free your windshield from bugs and dirt.
How to Detail Your Car
Why pay someone else to detail your car when you can do it yourself? Save some money, and make your vehicle beautiful at the same time.
Making Your Car Smell New
One of the things that most people love about getting a new car, is that new car smell. The smell of a new car helps you to know that it is completely clean, and nothing that can embarrass you. Here is how you can make your old beater, feel new again.
Removing Bumper Stickers
Bumper stickers always look cool when you first put them on your vehicle. Over time however, they begin to look tacky and dated. When those stickers begin to look old, faded, or you simply just don't like them anymore it's time to remove them and you can do it yourself.
Removing Bumper Stickers and Decals
Getting rid of unwanted bumper stickers can be a bother. Here are some ideas to make the job easier.
Removing Decals and Bumper Stickers from Fiberglass
You used to like that decoration, but now you don't. If you want to remove it without damaging any fiberglass—here's how.
Removing Engine Oil Stains from Asphalt
One of the first signs that you have an oil leak is to find the oil spot under your car. After you have handled the leak itself, you will need to eventually begin removing engine oil stains from asphalt. Make sure that you know the right method to use.
Removing Road Salt
There is nothing that really works quite as well at keeping the regular winter driver safe from harm as road salt. At the same time, this caustic material can cause untold damage to your car. Removing road salt does not have to be a huge hassle, here's why.
Removing Tar from Your Car
Tar from road work and construction is an annoying and sometimes costly hazard to your car. Here are a couple of simple and cost-effective methods for you to be able to clean your car of the black, gooey stuff.
Removing Tree Sap from Your Car
Tree sap can be a sticky and annoyingly recurring problem for a car owner. Here is how you can remove this natural potential hazard from your vehicle.
Steam Cleaning Your Car
Steam cleaning your car's engine is a great way to get it perfectly clean if you know what to look for prior to using one. Here is what you need to know, so that you can avoid costly damages to your car's engine.
Washing Your Car
If you have a car, then there must have been some time when you have needed to clean it. Having done that, then you know how much of a hassle it can be. Here is the easiest method available to ensure that your car is no longer an embarrassing eyesore.